Nutrition and the Non Diet Approach with Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating and Nutrition (1).png

This short episode digs in to where the actual NUTRITION part of health fits in to the Non Diet Approach, specifically with practicing Mindful Eating.

It really is similar with Intuitive Eating as well!

Before you push play on this this episode here’s a few reflection questions for you:

  • What does nutrition look like to you?

  • What does it involve in your life?

  • Are the nutrition interventions creating harmony?


  • OR are they keeping you in a cycle of deprivation, last supper eating, and all or nothing thinking resulting in a yo-yo approach to eating?

The Fullness Method works with women AND their food relationship, to help them pursue health behaviour that is not focused on changing a number on a scale, or intentionally pursuing a specific look to a body.

I help others rediscover and use their OWN INTERNAL CUES, create their own health values, tune in to their OWN bodies and minds to decide what practices to try (or kick to the curb) and what habits they might like to CHANGE, all to create their personal feeling of health.

Nutrition in the Non Diet Approach is based on choice and care.

When you care FOR yourself, and ABOUT yourself, whatever that means to you, you create CHOICE, without a side order of guilt.

As always, I welcome your comments below!

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