Improve Your Relationship with Food by Looking at your Food THOUGHTS!


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Can you improve your relationship with food by looking at your food thoughts?

Yes you can! Instead of a juice detox, what about a thought detox instead!

Why should you look at your thoughts around food?
Or your body?

How you think about food may be contributing to restrictive eating, overeating, and shame around food, and your body.
(We do overeat sometimes. This is a human thing.)

Every action starts with a thought.

The thought can be permission giving, or demeaning. 
From that thought, you take action.

That action may be to start a diet.

Much of the time we don't even know that these thoughts are coursing through our head. We may hear the thought in the form of an inner critic. Our chattering minds influence our food actions.

If you have never thought about your food relationship, start with THIS BLOG POST and THIS PODCAST EPISODE.
Many of us don't think about our food relationship. 

I didn’t really, even when I decided to stop counting calories, weighing myself and logging shit into a fitness app. 

If you’re still here, you’re already curious about your own relationship to food. You might be looking to change it.

But you don’t know how.

One of the best places to start is to look at the inner dialogue you have around food.

  • Are your thoughts about certain foods negative?

  • Are your thoughts about your body negative?

  • Do you sift foods based on nutritional value, and the labels “good” or “bad” on a regular basis?

  • Do you demonize certain foods, like sugar, only to find yourself craving them, and then eating too much of them?

Maybe you need a food thought reassessment.

None of my podcast episodes are meant as medical or psychological advice. *** Please seek help from a licensed health care practitioner, for your mental and physical health.

Positive thoughts create positive actions. 

Any thoughts about your body, can lead to numerous thoughts about food. 

Ask yourself:

  • Do you recognize thoughts about food, as far as labeling foods good or bad?

  • When does this happen?

  • All the time?

  • When you eat a cookie? When you hav a bad body day?

I did an instagram poll about the WHEN of “bad” body thoughts, and MONDAYS seem to be THE MOST POPULAR DAY for judging food choices and bodies!

Why do you think that is?

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