Mindful Eating: Taste and Satisfaction With Eating

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A lot happens between Hunger and Fullness!

Eating can be a full body immersion!

What about that ability to taste?
Taste and smell go hand in hand. Ever have a cold and try to eat some soup? We all have!

You can’t taste anything!

After you listen to this episode you will:

  1. Bring in your senses to truly taste your food. Use the sense of taste to decide whether or not you really find the food you have chosen SATISFYING!

  2. Allow yourself to explore foods you label as frenemies, with the sense of taste. This may change your whole perception of your favourite “sinful” food.

  3. Feel less threatened by food choices. Taste and smell will help you decide your food choices. They will also help you decide to be DONE.

  4. Make decisions by using your senses. Here your food choices become PERSONAL and ALIGNED with your unique needs.

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