Is Your Aging Body Image Perception in Menopause Feeling Better?


Our Aging Body Image in Menopause.

Does your body image feel better with age? Or worse?

What comes up for you when you think of the changes in your body in menopause?

Do you think things like:

  • I can’t even look at myself.

  • I’ve got to go on a diet again.

  • Where did this come from?

  • Get yourself together.

  • You are not healthy.

Have you watched the movie It's Complicated? With Alec Baldwin, Martin Short and Meryl Streep?

If you have not watched it, I may have given up a bit of the plot as I recorded the podcast, but not all of it! It’s about a woman, whose marriage had disintegrated.

Her ex husband is with a younger woman now, re-parenting, and re-doing the things he did with his grown children.

For many of you this is a lived experience. 

  • Being cheated on.

  • Having trust disintegrate.

  • Having a relationship disintegrate.

In this Episode, I talk about:

  • Sexism in mainstream movies.

  • Body shame and body conflict, through stages of post-partum and then aging.

  • My delusional thinking that mat leave would give me so much “time to work o myself” 😆😆😆

  • The feeling of loss for our younger body.

  • Adopting a Health at Every Size approach to aging.
    Find the website for this movement here.

The Tend and Befriend response to stress in life, that women employ when sh*t in life hits the fan. If you’re interested in an article about this, I included it here.

I have a great blooper:

I made up a word, and I am not editing it!

Takeaway from today:

Where ever you are on your journey with food, and your menipausal health and body, adopt an attitude that says: This is me, take it or leave it. Me, I’m going to take it.


As always, I welcome your feedback on iTunes, in the review section, or on Spotify. What is YOUR story around Body Image in Menopause?

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