How to cope with frustrating cravings, and feel good about chocolate, using mindful eating

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Trying to cope with frustrating cravings?
Want to eat chocolate and feel good about your self?

You CAN, using Mindful Eating to cope with cravings!

Science is fascinating, when it comes to craving, whether hungry or not. When a craving hits us, we feel blindsided sometimes. We feel inadequate and guilty for craving a certain food.

We can have intense cravings for a food, even when we know we aren't hungry, and we feel bad about it. Sometimes a craving is so undeniable, and we are driven to satisfy it, which leads to guilt, shame, and feelings of failure.

And then the desire to try another diet sets in.

What if you looked at cravings as CLUES? Cravings are just messages letting you know something is up emotionally, physically maybe even spiritually.

Emotional eating and eating the things we crave gets a a bad rap. We all eat emotionally.

Emotional eating also has a root cause. 

This episode shares how I learn from my cravings, and reviews how I recognized the root cause in one particular craving episode, using Mindful Eating.

If you feel like you can’t cope with cravings, I’d love to explore that with you in my 1:1 workshop, The Cravings Consultation, using Mindful Eating and … Chocolate.

Or chips.

Or whatever you crave…

How do you cope with cravings?


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